Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Natural Nourishment


Once I have my baby, I plan on breastfeeding for at least the widely recommended first year. Doing so offers benefits for both baby and mom: baby gets an enhanced immune system and is less likely to suffer allergies, and mom gets a reduced risk of premenopausal breast cancer, a release of stress-relieving hormone, and the convenience of never having to go to the store to buy formula. 

The Vegetarian Resource Group has a good overview of both a vegetarian and vegan mother’s nutritional needs while breastfeeding, which includes getting higher amounts of Vitamin D, Iron, and DHA. (Life’s DHA offers an algae source of DHA, to get around the typical fish sources which are not vegetarian.) 

It’s also important to be conscious of what you eat when you’re breastfeeding, because everything you eat and drink gets passed on to your babe. It is very possible that the caffeine in chocolate will keep your child up at night, and consuming dairy or soy products could lead to allergic reactions. One suggestion I read was to keep a food diary. This is an effective way to pinpoint the cause if a reaction does occur

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