Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Milking the Cat, Cow, and Camel


You might think I’m starting an animal sanctuary with such a title, and although I’d love to, that’s pretty far from the case. These are actually names of a few poses in this DVD I found: Yoga for Your Pregnancy. I thought it would be a good idea to be armed with some proven yoga poses for my health and birthing, in addition to whatever birthing class I take. 

Kristen Eykel is the instructor of the DVD, and is a proven veteran, having used the techniques in her own delivery, as well as teaching them in prenatal yoga classes. The running time is close to 105 minutes and includes two workouts, one geared toward strengthening and the other toward relaxing. There are also bonus chapters that offer tools for meditating, poses for the birthing room, and postnatal yoga practice. 

Overall, it’s an informative source that is extremely accessible since you can just pop it into your computer or DVD player anytime. I don’t know about you, but I plan to start doing my cat, cow, camel and more, beforethe cow comes home, because being over-prepared is better than the alternative.

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