Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Workin' It Out

I’m typically a regular exerciser, but in the last 14 weeks, I was just too tired to do much of anything outside of work. The good news is the energy has returned in the second trimester, and I am once again back on the water and trails.

After your doctor, the best resource for information on exercising during pregnancy is probably the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). They are used as a reference for most writings you’ll find on the subject.

The ACOG is highly supportive of women exercising during pregnancy, and states the many benefits of doing so, including reducing backaches, constipation, and swelling; increasing energy; improving mood and posture; promoting strength and endurance; and helping you sleep better.

I don’t know about you, but that’s a long list of motivators for me.

For more, go to:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cleaning Your Atmosphere

Whew, I’ve made it through my first trimester and my nausea is dying down. Things are looking up! I also have more energy, which means I can go back to helping out around the house.

I am sticking with chemical-free cleaning products to keep my pregnancy as free from toxins as possible. Fortunately for me, VT just did an article on natural cleaning products in our May/June issue. We found some really wonderful stuff out there that not only works great, but smells nice too. You can check out these brands we mentioned: ECover, Method, Biokleen, Earth Friendly Products, Dr. Bronner’s, Mountain Green, and Eco-Me, and if you have any faves of your own, by all means share.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Preg Veg: Speaking of Stuff

My sister-in-law is a great bargain hunter, so when she told me about the book Baby Bargains I knew it was worth looking into. She promised that it had all kinds of ways to save on everything I needed for my baby, including advice on what I may not need, as well as how to get the most bang for my buck when I did buy.

Well, I did get the book, and I have to say I was impressed. For less than $20 you get a well-organized guide that covers a wide range of must-haves from cribs to diapers to strollers...

for the rest of the low down on Baby Bargains go to:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Preg Veg: Go Green with Maternity Clothes

Most of my pants have started feeling too tight for comfort, and as much as I’d like to, I can’t avoid the inevitable topic: maternity clothes.

With all the other stuff I’ll need to buy, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to spend beaucoup bucks on a wardrobe that I’ll only be using a handful of months. The solution: used clothes. They will not only save me money, they’re also the greenest choice around

First, I’ll hit up my friends and family for anything I can use, then I’ll check out some sites on the internet. Like eMommie, which is nicely organized and has a good selection. I may require a more upscale look for my sister’s wedding,...

read on at

Monday, July 13, 2009

To Cook or Not to Cook: That is the FIrst Trimester Question


I normally love to cook, finding it artistic and rewarding (especially when it’s delicious!), but with my current fatigue and nausea, motivation to plan and prepare food has pretty much gone out the window. I fall even deeper into cooking lethargy when I spend time making something, only to find out afterwards that I can’t eat it (not because it’s bad, mind you, just because it doesn’t suit my pregnant palate). Hopefully, my mistakes will save you some time.

Through trial and error, I’ve come to find truth in TB2 (the blander the better) for guaranteed pregnant edibility. And the easier the recipe, the more doable it is (considering the energy factor). Meals like plain rice and black beans; vegetable broth with noodles and broccoli; hummus with carrots and pita bread; avocado and tomato salad; and lentils and rice, maybe cooked with a bouillon cube for a little flavor, are just what the doctor ordered.

For more ideas on preg-friendly munchies, check out the Vegetarian Resource Group’s advice...

read the rest at: